King Arthur Cosplayers Hold Round Table Meeting At Camelot East

By: Harold Leeder

May 24, 2016

The recent loss of a liquor license did nothing to deter a group of King Arthur cosplayers from holding a round table meeting at Camelot East this week. After a long day of LARPing (or whatever nerds do), the group stopped at the local tavern for a spot of ale. Ginger ale, that is.

“We like to keep our meetings as authentic as possible,” said Leonard Gibson, who cosplays as the great King Arthur himself. “After my mom’s new boyfriend Derek said we couldn’t meet in her basement anymore, we decided that moving our meetings to Camelot East made the most sense. Also, I was pretty sad and wanted to see some boobs.”

“Destiny has brought us here tonight,” said Leonard as he raised a glass of water on the rocks for a toast. “So make sure you tip Destiny well when her song comes on.”

The dancers at Camelot East seemed less excited about the group’s presence.

“That was definitely a weird group of guys,” said Dezzerae, who sent us a text message after our interview to make sure we mentioned that she was only dancing to put herself through collage [sic]. “One of them tried to pay for a lap dance in experience points.”

“I feel like I really made a connection with Dezzerae,” remarked Devin Leake, who was cosplaying as the lesser known Bors The Younger. “It seemed like we had a lot in common. My chest armor is made out of plastic, her chest is made out of plastic.”

Other knights spent the evening trying to outdo one another with valiant acts. Leonard’s squire Caleb could be seen picking up Destiny’s dollar bills for her. “See, m’lady,” Caleb shouted. “Chivalry isn’t dead.”

The evening ended with security escorting the group out after one of the cosplayers released some ravens inside the building. As they were leaving, the group shouted at the club’s patrons that it was time for the knights to leave on their quest to recover what’s become the Holy Grail of sorts for Camelot East, a new liquor license.