Missing Hiker Found After Harrowing Weekend At The Arboretum

By: Harold Leeder

June 11, 2018

32-year-old Ken Blevins wasn’t expecting his afternoon trip to the arboretum to turn into a 3-day quest for survival but that’s what happened. “I kept to the trails at first but I just felt like I was going in circles,” says Blevins. “The first night was the worst. I’m not used to it getting so dark out. Used to the city lights. I tried calling for help but all I heard back was the cold wind of mother natures indifference.”

“I remember him yelling ‘Help! Is there anybody out there?'” says Rose Oldlady. Her house borders the arboretum. “I just figured it was some kid on drugs. It’s not like I haven’t had a bad trip before. Once you hit that wave you just gotta ride it out till it peaks.”

Blevins anxiety grew into the night. “I tried to count my steps back on my Fitbit but those screens are hard to see in the dark. After I woke up that morning I knew my only chance of being rescued would come from within. I realized if I was going to survive I had to go feral.”

“I was almost done with my second lap when I saw him.” Says Courtney Spaulding. “It looked like someone had dropped a bag of crackers on the track and this guy was hunched over it, sniffing at it. He turned around and started hissing at me. Then he picked up the remains of the bag in his teeth and crawled into the woods.”

“Those were my son’s goldfish crackers,” says Lawrence Williams. “His favorite snack.” William’s family goes to the Arboretum most Saturdays. “We were on the walking track when this guy came out of the woods barking and clapping two tree branches together. Scared the beejezus out of us.”

Authorities were finally called after a home owner found their Pomeranian in their backyard trapped inside a wooden cage Blevins had made. Authorities finally located Blevins leaning up against a water fountain, drinking a bottle of his own urine.

Blevin’s family has planned a welcome home celebration this weekend at Jacobson Park. “This time I’m bringing a compass.” Says Blevins.